fireFighter =>software.developer;
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Firefighter turned Software Engineer with a proven track record of writing clean and efficient code to tackle complex challenges with optimal runtime efficiency. Skilled in front-end development with a continuous focus on expanding knowledge in back-end technologies, specifically in AI and ML. Leveraging experience from the Fire Department, I have demonstrated a disciplined approach and a commitment to self-learning essential for driving successful project outcomes in dynamic environments.



Terrytown Fire Department

Operator / FireFighter

Terrytown, LA

2016 - 2021

  • Spearheaded maintenance efforts for fire trucks, ensuring optimum functionality during emergency response situations, resulting in a 100% operational readiness rate
  • Led firefighting operations at structure fires, demonstrating quick decision-making and coordination skills under high-pressure environments, successfully containing and minimizing property damage
  • Implemented efficient medical care procedures for civilians impacted by fires, showcasing strong analytical skills and empathy, resulting in immediate life-saving interventions and positive outcomes
  • Led training classes and drills, imparting essential firefighting knowledge and hands-on skills to team members, fostering continuous learning and operational readiness for emergency response scenerios



/ Fitness application

  • Leveraged AWS services such as EC2 and Route53 for reliable and scalable application deployment, ensuring high performance and responseiveness for users accessing the application
  • Designed application as a progressive web app for cross-platform usability, providing users with a consistent and engaging experience on various devices
  • Implemented user subscription handling with Stripe JS, enabling hassle-free subscription management and revenue generation capabilities
  • Integrating advanced security features like NextAuth and MongoDB for data protection, ensuring user privacy and trust, leading to an increase in user retention rate

Bowen Pain Center

/ Medical Management App and Website

  • Engineered a responsive and user-friendly website that educates patients about available procedures and connects them with the center, enhancing the center's online presence and accessibility to potential patients
  • Designed application as a progressive web app for cross-platform usability, providing users with a consistent and engaging experience on various devices
  • Designed the site to be responsive to desktop, laptop, tablet and cellphone devices
  • Architected the website for high availability and reliability using AWS load balancers, ensuring seamless user experience and minimal downtime for visitors to the site
  • Utilized Route53 to register a custom domain for the website, enhancing the center's branding and establishing a professional online identity for the organization


Hack Reactor - Operation Spark

February 2022 - November 2022

Advanced Software Engineering Immersive Program

IBC Fundamentals of JavaScript, Functional Programming, and Web Development Level 3


  • AWS Solutions Architect Certified

  • AWS Developer Certified



  • Spanish,
  • English


  • Communication,
  • Leadership,
  • Teamwork,
  • Problem Solving,

    Frameworks and Technologies:

  • NodeJS,
  • React,
  • Next,
  • TypeScript,
  • CSS,
  • Bootstrap,
  • TailwindCSS,
  • Flask,
  • Pandas,
  • SKLearn,
  • Matplotlib,
  • AWS,
  • MySQL,
  • MongoDB,
  • Prisma,
  • Github

    Programming Languages:

  • HTML,
  • JavaScript,
  • Python,
  • SQL


  • Learning new technologies,
  • creating apps,
  • movies,
  • snowboarding,
  • chess,
  • and traveling


Fitness app to log and keep track of all your workouts. Add from a selection of exercises or create one, along with the weight and repetitions for each set. And discover which workouts you do the most or least.

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